Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas at Arm's Length

Looking through the photos that I took of my family Christmas festivities, I noticed a trend. So, I had fun with it in the editing. I'll leave it to you to ponder the meanings and importance of personality, faces, and such.

Monday, September 10, 2007

New Blog

As Photo Editor for the Banner and Angelos at California Baptist University, I have decided to take the initiative to promote the personal photographic development of my photographers. Additionally, I expect to learn a lot from this experience. To do so, I am launching a daily photoblog.

Go check it out.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Kim: The First Photoshoot

This is one of my closest (and most beautiful) friends, Kim. I took these photos of her in May of 2006, and it was the first portrait shoot that I had done. They turned out fairly well, but being portrait photos, I decided that I ought to do some touchup work (not that she needed it). I additionally decided to de-saturate everything except her.

Yeah, so about four hours of background repainting and stuff on this one.

Her eyes are naturally blue-green. . .

Monday, July 9, 2007

We Are the Arsenal

A few weeks ago I shot some photos for the band We Are the Arsenal. They are all really cool guys, and they have a great sound. Check them out for sure on MySpace. Their CD art is kinda grungy from what they told me, so I took the photos kinda an antique grunge feel. We shot around in fullerton.

There was this cool bridge over a little canal.

The guys left to right: Ryan, Alan, Peter, and Kris.

This one I think is my favorite shot, so I threw in the logo.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Katie and Courtney

Okay so here is a project that I recently shot and edited for Katie, a friend from school, and her sister. They're giving these photos to their parents for mother's and father's day.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

New Blog

I give up. I had been putting off getting a blogger account because I would rather host it all and do it all myself, but I finally gave in. I figure that you need a version 1.0 before you can have a version 2.0 (yes Brendan, I have been paying attention), and so many cool photos keep going by that just are not appropriate to post on facebook, but deserve some publicity. So here I am. On Blogger. For now.