Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Kim: The First Photoshoot

This is one of my closest (and most beautiful) friends, Kim. I took these photos of her in May of 2006, and it was the first portrait shoot that I had done. They turned out fairly well, but being portrait photos, I decided that I ought to do some touchup work (not that she needed it). I additionally decided to de-saturate everything except her.

Yeah, so about four hours of background repainting and stuff on this one.

Her eyes are naturally blue-green. . .

Monday, July 9, 2007

We Are the Arsenal

A few weeks ago I shot some photos for the band We Are the Arsenal. They are all really cool guys, and they have a great sound. Check them out for sure on MySpace. Their CD art is kinda grungy from what they told me, so I took the photos kinda an antique grunge feel. We shot around in fullerton.

There was this cool bridge over a little canal.

The guys left to right: Ryan, Alan, Peter, and Kris.

This one I think is my favorite shot, so I threw in the logo.